2010년 2월 3일 수요일

capturing race - part 1

As you know, when you play baduk, there takes place battle inevitably, and the battle goes down to capturing race change most, this advantage becomes the winning side. Such it is very important. However, nobody on this principle of capturing race that has never been published or recorded. Capturing race is not the product of experience, though, is whether that principle. This fairly long time to learn the experience to be consumed. So I based on this principle that you can easily read capturing race, I'll let you know.

바둑을 두다보면 필연적으로 전투가 벌어지고, 그 전투는 대부분 수상전으로 귀결되고, 수상전에서 승리하는 쪽이 우세해 진다는 것은 바둑을 두는 분들이라면 누구나 알고 있는 사실이다. 이처럼 수상전은 바둑에 있어서 상당히 중요한 것이다. 그러나 아무도 수상전의 원리에 대해서 다루지 않았다. 수상전은 경험으로 체득하는 것이 아닌 일정한 원리가 있는 것이다. 수상전을 단순히 경험에서 체득하려면 상당히 오랜 시간이 걸리게 된다. 따라서 나는 수상전의 원리를 바탕으로 수상전을 쉽게 읽을 수 있는 노하우를 블로깅할 것이다.

Principle 1. When both sides don't have eye-space, if there are no inside liberties, and there are equal number of outside liberties, the first side that plays there wins.

원리 1. 무가끼리의 수상전에서, 안공배가 없고 바깥공배수가 같으면, 먼저두는 쪽이 이긴다.

Outside liberties of black are 2, white has 2 as well.
Therefore, the first side that plays there wins.

흑의 바깥공배도 2개이고, 백의 바깥공배도 2개이다.
따라서 먼저두는 쪽이 이긴다.

Principle 1-1. When both sides don't have eye-space, if there are no inside liberties and there are different number of outside liberties, the side that has more outside liberties wins.

원리 1-1. 무가끼리의 수상전에서, 안공배가 없고 바깥공배수가 다르면, 무조건 바깥공배수가 많은 쪽이 이긴다.

In this case, the difference of the number of outside liberties (1) is enough for black to win. In addition, black can ignore the difference (1) as here is enough.

이 경우 바깥공배수의 차이인 1수 만큼 흑이 수상전에서 이기고 있다. 따라서 흑은 1수만큼 손을 빼도 수상전에 이겨있는 것이다.

p.s. White should no longer enlisted in progress here. Because, the side with less outside liberties (white), has as many ko threats as the number of outside liberties (2).

p.s 그러므로, 바깥공배수가 적은 쪽인 백의 입장에서는, 자신의 바깥공배수만큼 팻감으로 이용할 수 있기 때문에, 이곳을 더 진행시키는 것은 팻감의 낭비이므로 손해이다.

Edit Translation help : goki

댓글 2개:

  1. Thank you for sharing this.

    May I contribute some fixes in the English language:

    Principle 1. When both sides don't have eye-space, if there are no inside liberties, and there are equal number of outside liberties, the first side that plays there wins.

    Outside liberties of black are 2, white has 2 as well.

    Therefore, the first side that plays there wins.

    Principle 1-1. When both sides don't have eye-space, if there are no inside liberties and there are different number of outside liberties, the side that has more outside liberties wins.

    In this case, the difference of the number of outside liberties (1) is enough for black to win. In addition, black can ignore the difference - 1 as here is enough.

    p.s. So, the side with less outside liberties (white), has as many ko threats as the number of outside liberties (2), because black needs protect from damage.


    - I am not sure about the last sentence, this is how i understood it.

    - In-spaces and out-spaces are commonly called inside liberties and outside liberties.

    - Some people don't know what 'pae' means, but all English speaking baduk players know what 'Ko' means, so I changed that also.

    Regards :)

  2. Hi, goki.

    Thank you for pointing out.

    I'll change it, and I'll be very happy if you advise me.

    Regards ^^
